Friends of Lois Creek
Annual General Meeting
November 24, 2021

1. FoLC Directors:  Mark Davies, Nina Andermatt, Blake Rawson, Laura Duncan, Carol Flowers, Dave Hale, Rod Chapman (regrets), Nigel Kitto (regrets)

2. KTS introductions:  Kenton Lane (President), Ryan McKenzie (Trail Manager)

3. Recreation Sites and Trails BC Recreation Officer:  Lisa Cox

 4. Mark for Rod - Invasive Plant Control Project and Ski Bench.
  Invasive Plant Control
 New Bench Added

 5. Mark for Cailey - 2021 Goals of Lois Creek Plant Control Project. report. Full Report Here.

 6. Mark Davies: Mark reported that his family installed a Timber Frame bench at the Lindsay Park Entrance in memory of Don Davies with assistance from the City in June 2021. The City upgraded the entrance by landscaping, clearing some shrubs and adding a few big boulders.

7. Carol Flowers: The kiosk at Elko Street Entrance is being updated with new maps, Bear Aware signage, and map boxes. With the Lindsay Park Entrance updated, we will inquire to the City for a landscaping upgrade to the Elko Street Entrance.

 8. Nina Andermatt: The Davies family, with the assistance of Blake, Nina, Quentin and Mark Knudsgaard, brought a new timber frame table out to the Tea Spot on June 8. A plaque presented by KTS in honour of Don Davies was unveiled. The old picnic table was transported to Loop D Loop fire spot in October after danger trees were felled and a platform was prepared. Final touches were made in late November. 
Blake, Nina, Quentin and Mark Knudsgaard deliver new table

9. Blake Rawson:
a) Ryan, Lisa and Blake walked the Lower Chute Reroute to be completed in Spring 2022. Ryan reported that the KTS paid crew worked on improving several trails in Lois Creek by removing angular, exposed rocks on A-Frame, Blake’s Single Track, 401, and Daisy.  
b) Housing Developments*: 
i) Fernie Street - 5 buildings planned with 4 units each. 
ii) Legion Track micro homes - No development timeline. 

*Both developers were invited to meeting with no response. 
*Concern as all trailheads are on private land. 
c) Wildfire Mitigation: BC Fire Crews cleared A-Frame and 401 and finished Totem. Work is planned on Bart’s, Chute and Loop D Loop in Summer 2022.  Because Fire Crews removed all danger/dead trees near trails there were fewer tree casualties after the windstorm on Nov. 14, 2021 and FoLC maintenance crews cleared all trails in 2 days.
d) Winter Grooming 2021/22:  Ryan reported that the Snow Dog will do the same circuit as 2020/21.  Blake indicated there would be more machine-groomed ski tracks. Yellow Winter signs are now up.       
e) Proposed Wildsight Project: Wildsight is seeking funding for a project to return Lois Creek to its natural riparian state at the junction of Florence’s Gully and Powerline trails. Two proposals for funding have been submitted, with the project to be undertaken in Spring/ Summer 2022 if funding is secured. Dave Hale will oversee this project.
f) Issues:  
i) Partying, garbage and fires at the bottom of Wax Tester. Concern has been expressed by Trail Street neighbours. To report similar incidents phone Police / Fire Chief. 
ii) Ingrowth over the past 20 years has created a lot of fuel. FoLC has no funds to mitigate this ongoing issue.

10. Carol reported on Winter etiquette and Winter signage. Lisa is providing Winter etiquette signage for trailheads (Rec Sites and Trails BC winter signs used throughout the province). A Single-Track Skier sign is being made by Rec Sites and Trails BC and will be placed at 2 short sections along Blake’s Single Track (middle section and outer section to Tea Spot).
Winter etiquette signage for trailheads
11. New Directors:  Welcome to Amanda Aube, Pete Kerckoff and Steph Spensley.

12. Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.

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Annual General Meeting
November 24, 2021”

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